The Vedas explained at a “glance” Part 2

Lord Buddha/Shiva/Ganesha/Mysticism/Goddesses

The term Hindu implied a geographic identifier for people living in the Indian subcontinent around or beyond the Sindhu (Indus) river.  Hinduism is not a religion as it is too complex in its varying levels of yoga and science- as you cannot “believe” in these teachings, you can only come to “know” them through direct experience via practice, thus when something becomes self-evident to you, this is now a “science”.  For example, mathematics is universally taught at universities around the world and it does not belong only to one school.  Mathematics is absolute in its expression and so the knowledge of Krishna/Buddha belong to every Jiva soul- equally and absolutely -as it is their birth right to come into contact with the knowledge.  Science means the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.  In practical terms, “India” means mother and hence, India is the mother of all knowledge.  Lord Krishna/Lord Buddha for example, are not “Hindu” and they do not only represent people born in this region of the world.  They are “absolute” in their own divinity, meaning, all yogas and religious principals stem from their presence on earth.  The first teaching of realization is “You are not the body, you are spirit soul” and this teaching can be found in all corners of the globe.  Krishna/Buddhism is not about becoming an Indian as it is not an exterior process, it is an internal one.  It is about realizing yourself in two distinct philosophies catered to whatever it is you want to know about the Absolute- Bhagavad (awareness of the Supreme person) or Brahman (for those who are attracted to His impersonal form).  As inconceivable as it is, thousands of years later, Sri Krishna appeared as Lord Buddha and this avatar represents His Brahman energy- the ubiquitous cosmically manifested reality.  In this matrix, Krishna came to help liberate the atheist while at the same time, teaching the knowledge of compassion for those who desire to remain separate from Godhead (some souls do not want a personal God).  In this expansion, the Buddha is giving an opportunity for the impersonalist to achieve an incomplete form of liberation- the Brahmanjoti.  As you’ll see in these explanations, Krishna has manifested innumerable times in all dimensions of the universe and the paradox is God is a person and yet, can manifest unlimitedly.   There is also something very profound that Krishna says in the 5ooo year old Gita- do not disturb anyone not wanting remembrance of Him; in His advent as the Buddha 3ooo years later, He is showing the same absolute love and mercy to offer the atheist a path of contentment and happiness.  Only the Supreme absolute truth could demonstrate such absolute love and compassion- free from the limits of duality.   At the very end of the images, I created a PDF of the entire Hidden Glory of India book for you to look at the many different aspects of the Vedas that succinctly explain the ancient Vedic consciousness, so please share them as it is very rare that people come into contact with this knowledge in full.